The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has a document explaining the requirements for testing accommodations for individuals with disabilities. Click HERE to view the document.
Federal and State Disability Laws
ADA - The Americans with Disabilities Act (1990, amended 2008) protects anyone with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one's major life activities.
IDEIA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (1997, amended 2004) guarantees the right for students aged 3-21 with disabilities a free public education. To be eligible for special education, students must be found to have a disability and need specialized instruction.
Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act - prohibits discrimination based on a disability.
If a student discloses that they have a disability, request a copy of documentation from a professional, before implementing accommodations. Examples of documentation include an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) or 504 Plan. Both of these are documents used in K-12 schools. Other acceptable documentation includes a letter or testing results from a doctor, psychiatrist, or mental health professional with a diagnosis and acceptable accommodations based on the student’s disability.
Accommodations will depend on the student’s specific disability and needs. For instance, a student with a physical disability may need preferential seating and/or adaptive equipment. For a student who has a specific learning disorder, such as dyslexia, the student may need multisensory instruction, modified assignments, extended testing time, and breaks.
Some of the more common accommodations include:
Extra time on tests and assignments.
Allow testing in a private area.
Allow frequent breaks to help them rejuvenate and refocus.
Braille or large-print exam booklets.
Screen reading technology.
Scribes to transfer answers.
Allow preferential seating. Sitting at the front of the class helps reduce distractions.
Modifying assignments by shortening or simplifying the content.
Allow books on tape and oral testing.
Use visual aids and hands-on activities.
Use multisensory instruction which accesses all parts of the brain.